Free online resources for couples

The Alabama Marriage Handbook: Downloadable handbook (in English and Spanish) with information, ideas, and resources to help strengthen relationships.

National Healthy Marriage Resource Center: free informative articles.

Purdue University’s Healthy Relationship Series of Publication Briefs

National Resource Center for Healthy Marriage and Families Virtual Training Programs

The Utah Marriage Commision‘s free online program Marriage Mechanic: Free online lessons about 18 different relationship topics. Participants can choose which topics are most relevant for them.

National Extension Relationship & Marriage Education Network: A training program designed through a multi-state faculty collaborative available online and contains a library of informative fact sheets that are useful for couples.

Healthy Minds: the University of Wisconsin-Madison is offering a free app-based mindfulness program

Breathwrk: free app for simple breathing exercises.

The Gottman Institute: free quizzes, newsletters, podcasts, and more with useful tips, research findings, and ideas for improving relationships.

Stepfamilies Experts Guide: We are a group of scholars and professionals who study and work with stepfamilies and post-divorce families among our topics of expertise. We list areas of expertise below, short bios, and contact information. Please reach out to experts directly.

Free classes for couples

Invest in your relationship. Join us for a series of FREE couples education classes rich with opportunities for growth, intimacy, and connection.

Click HERE for more information to begin the enrollment process.

You can also contact us at [email protected], (334) 844-3225.

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